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PSY 4415:      Attendance Policy
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Mansfield University Attendance Policy  

"Regular and punctual class attendance is expected. Documented excuses because of illness, serious mitigating circumstances, official military service, or official university representation will be accepted by all faculty members. In these cases, faculty members will permit students to make up all graded course components without penalty in a reasonable manner at a time agreeable to instructor and student. Students must provide documentation before absences can be excused. All instructors are expected to make their class participation and attendance policies clear in the course syllabi. Faculty are encouraged to report two missed classes in a row to absent@mansfield.edu for follow-up.”  

Class Policy

Consistent with University policy, I take attendance at the start of each class.  You are expected to attend all sessions.  If you accumulate more than 3 unexcused absences, your final total is reduced by 2 points for EACH additional absence.  Excused absences (e.g., due to illness, bad weather, etc.) will not be penalized given appropriate documentation.  For university activities, the document must be dated and from an appropriate university sponsor.  You have one calendar week after your return to present appropriate paperwork.  Documentation is due by April 27th for absences during the final week of regular class time.   As stated in the University policy above, I am required to report anyone who misses over two sessions  with no explanation.

VERY, VERY IMPORTANT:  If you miss more than four sessions in total (i.e., four weeks out of the semester) for unexcused absences, you should withdraw or you will be assigned a grade of “F” regardless of performance.  If you contract a major illness or are struggling with other issues, let me know as soon as possible.  We can discuss your options.  If necessary, the deadline for withdrawing from Spring 2020 courses is Friday, March 27th, 2020.